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- -In light of some of the controversy surrounding Lear.txt, perhaps it would be helpful to refer to some statements attributed to John Le
- ar's father, the late William P. Lear, pertaining to possible UFO technology. They are excerpted from the 1978 book entitled "The Cosmic
- Conspiracy". They are presented here merely as interesting anecdotes, which may also be helpful to an understanding of what has influen
- ced John Lear. -Tom Mickus Excerpt #1==========
- = "William P. Lear, inventor and chairman of the board of Lear, Inc., one of the nation's largest electronics firms specializing in avi
- ation, for months has been going over new developments and theories relating to gravity with his chief scientists and engineers". "...H
- e is convinced that it will be possible to create artificial electro- gravitational fields 'whose polarity can be controlled to cancel out
- gravity". "...'All the (mass) materials and human beings within these fields will be part of them. They will be adjustable so as to inc
- rease or decrease the weight of any object in its surroundings. They won't be affected by the earth's gravity or that of any celestial body"
- . 'This means that if any person was in an anti-gravitational airplane or space ship that carried along its own gravitational field - n
- o matter how fast you accelerated or changed course - your body wouldn't any more feel it than it now feels the speed of the earth' ".
- "...Eugene M. Gluhareff, president of Gluhareff Helicopter and Airplane Corp. of Manhattan Beach, Calif., has made several theoretical desig
- n studies of round or saucer-shaped 'vehicles' for travel into outer space..." It might also be of some interest to the reader that thi
- s author witnessed the late William P. Lear making another nationwide statement on a daytime, American television program in about 1969-70.
- This later statement was made in response to a question from the emcee who wanted to know what Mr. Lear envisioned the next twenty years pro
- ducing in new technology. Mr. Lear told him that a person would be able to, say, walk into a New York "travel" booth - somewhat similar to a
- telephone box in shape; - deposit his fare; push a button; and walk out the other side of the booth in San Francisco - having been "telepor
- ted" across America in seconds! The studio audience automatically laughed at Mr. Lear - much to their uninformed discredit. Mr. Lear just ga
- ped at their performance in utter amazement. How painfully sad and lonely he must have felt at that moment when he realized the greatgulf th
- at separated the viewing audience from the realities he had already witnessed in the laboratory... He was a kind and sincere man; and thisau
- thor, for one, feels a great loss at Mr. Lear's recent death... Excerpt #2=========== In his book of 1957, entitled, "The Flying Saucer
- Conspiracy", Donald Keyhoe also mentioned some rather indicting news on pages 200-201: "On 2nd February, while visiting Bogota, Columb
- ia, William P. Lear manufacturer of aircraft and electronic equipment, told a news conference that the flying saucers are real". "When
- Lear's story was flashed to the United States by the AP, it was a hard blow for the UFO censors. But this was only the beginning. Within twe
- nty-four hours Lear amplified his first statement: 'I feel the flying saucers are real', he said, 'because of four points'. First, he said,
- there have been numerous manifestations over long periods of time. Second, many observations have been made simultaneously by reliable obser
- vers. Third, there are great possibilities linked with the theory of gravitational fields. Fourth, there are now serious efforts in progress
- to prove the existence of anti-gravitational forces and to convert atomic energy directly to electricity". "This new AP story dismayed
- the Pentagon, for it could easily disclose our top-secret research to duplicate the UFO's propulsion. There had already been one hint despi
- te Pentagon precautions. During a meeting of aviation leaders in New York, on the 25th of January, G.S. Trimble, vice- president of advance
- design for the Glenn L. Martin Aircraft Company, had made an amazing disclosure... "Unlimited power, freedom form gravitational attraction,
- and infinitely short travel time are now becoming feasible', he told the press. Then he added that eventually all commercial air transpor- t
- ation would be in vehicles operating on these fantastic principles".